Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Another Thorn in Mega's Side

I picked up this week's issue of People Magazine, there was an article on the cover that caught my eye. Lo and behold, there's an article in this week's issue mentioning Mega Life, about them screwing more people. The timing of this article is perfect! I hope the bad publicity drives them out of business.


Bonnie Y said...

This is a really great blog! All you need now is some tags and links to things, like the Larry King show.
I hope others find it and give you hope!

StuartAP said...

Karen I am sorry about your ordeal. As a reputable insurance agent I hear stories like yours about MEGA way too often. I wish they were removed from the marketplace because they often cloud real issues. What I mean by that is when stories like yours appear it is often an indictment of the entire health insurance business. I am confident that had you been directed to a main stream carrier you could have focused on getting your husband the help he needed without having to deal with MEGA.

With all due respect to the title of this blog however, I don’t think Michael Moore is right. Unfortunately everyone is trying to politicize the issue which never yields the best results. The advocates of the plans being proposed in Sacramento and DC twist half truths to fit their agenda with no regard for reality. Not an indictment of Moore, but a systemic problem from both sides of the political spectrum.

What we should be focusing on is making sure people like you are not being cheated by their carrier. Addressing the numbers of citizens that can not get coverage. BTW – in both the state and national level the actual numbers are about one-third of the numbers quoted and I would be happy to explain that to anyone who wants to listen. Reducing costs for treatment which will automatically reduce the cost of insurance (yes there is a very simple way to do this). I could go on but I am straying off topic here.

I applaud your efforts to speak up about your experience. If I can be of any assistance to you please check in with Bonnie and she can give you my contact info. I wish you all the best.

Saffy said...

GOOD. All this helps your cause. These bastards should be exposed to everyone.